Four Additional Infrastructure Projects in the Eastern Region Get Joint Government Funding
The City of Steinbach, Town of Niverville; and Rural Municipalities of Tache and Hanover are benefitting from the New Building Canada Plan’s Small Communities Fund
July 31, 2015 Winnipeg, Manitoba
The governments of Canada and Manitoba are announcing funding for four projects in communities in eastern Manitoba today under the New Building Canada Plan’s Small Communities Fund.
The Small Communities Fund is part of the $10-billion Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component of the New Building Canada Fund. It will provide $1 billion to municipalities with fewer than 100,000 residents for priority public infrastructure projects that deliver on local needs.
Funding for the City of Steinbach will build upon work done under phase 1 and will see the installation of approximately 1600 meters each of new waterlines and sewer lines to replace existing aging underground infrastructure.
The Town of Niverville will install approximately 2100 meters of watermain to provide potable water and fire protection to the Main Street area, as well as enhancing water availability to multiple residential sectors.
The RM of Tache will complete a new 36 L/s supply well, an in ground concrete water storage reservoir and distribution pumping system, as well as construct a facility to house electrical, mechanical and treatment components in the community of Landmark.
The RM of Hanover will put the additional funding toward the construction of a new wastewater lift station and forcemain to address capacity issues in the community of Blumenort
Quick Facts
• The Government of Canada will provide up to $3,699,155 through the Small Communities Fund for the four projects announced today.
• The Province of Manitoba will also contribute $3,699,155 to the four projects.
• The total eligible cost of the four projects is $11,097,465.
• The four projects include 3 water infrastructure projects and 1 wastewater infrastructure projects. Please see the attached backgrounder for additional details on the new projects being announced.
Federal Funding:
Steinbach: $1.33 Million
Tache: $1.2 Million
Hanover: $484,663
Niverville: $681,156
“Our Government’s support for public infrastructure in municipalities across Canada, big and small, has never been stronger. These vital infrastructure projects in communities like Landmark, Blumenort, Steinbach and Niverville will create jobs, promote growth, and contribute to the development of strong, prosperous communities throughout Manitoba.” Keeping our communities healthy and safe, creating jobs, promoting growth and building strong, prosperous communities are our Government’s highest priorities, all of which are being addressed through the New Building Canada Plan.
Ted Falk
Member of Parliament for Provencher
“Investments in infrastructure are investments in the people of Manitoba, and their long-term health and welfare. This funding will make sure Manitobans across the province benefit from investments that improve their everyday quality of life, and the long-term stability of their communities. The Manitoba government is proud of its role in creating good jobs and enhancing strong communities. These investments will go the distance for Manitobans, for decades to come.”
Drew Caldwell
Minister of Municipal Government
“The projects selected under the Small Communities Fund will make a significant contribution to our members’ infrastructure needs. The AMM is pleased to be part of this successful partnership which brings needed infrastructure investments to Manitoba municipalities.”
Chris Goertzen
President, Association of Manitoba Municipalities
Associated Links
Infrastructure Projects in Manitoba’s Interlake Region to Receive Joint Government Funding
Drinking Water Infrastructure Project in East St. Paul to Receive Joint Government Funding
Infrastructure Projects in Manitoba’s Southwest Region to Receive Joint Government Funding
Infrastructure Projects in Manitoba’s North Central and South Central Regions to Receive Joint Government Funding
Infrastructure Projects in Manitoba’s Southeast Region to Receive Joint Government Funding
Infrastructure Projects in Manitoba’s Parkland Region to Receive Joint Government Funding
Infrastructure Projects in Manitoba’s Northern Region to Receive Joint Government Funding
Follow the link to learn more about the Small Communities Fund.
Follow the links for additional information on the New Building Canada Plan and the benefits it provides to Manitoba.
To learn more about Manitoba’s infrastructure projects, please visit
To learn more about the Government of Canada’s focus on jobs and the economy consult Canada’s Economic Action Plan.
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Vincent Rabault
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Infrastructure, Communities and Intergovernmental Affairs and
Minister of the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
Naline Rampersad
Cabinet Communications
Province of Manitoba
Lynne Bereza
Communications Coordinator
Association of Manitoba Municipalities
Infrastructure Canada
Toll free: 1-877-250-7154
Follow us on Twitter at @INFC_eng
The Governments of Canada and Manitoba are announcing funding for 4 additional projects in communities across the Eastern Region of the province under the New Building Canada Plan’s Small Communities Fund.
In addition to the 26 projects previously announced, below are the details from the four additional Small Communities Fund Projects in Eastern Manitoba that were recently approved.
Municipality Project Title Total Eligible Costs
Steinbach, City Underground Infrastructure Renewal Phases 2 & 3 $3,999,999
Tache, RM Landmark Water Utility Upgrade $3,600,000
Hanover, RM Blumenort Lift Station and Forcemain $1,453,988
Niverville, Town Water Distribution Project – Phase 1 $2,043,468
Federal Funding:
Steinbach: $1.33 Million
Tache: $1.2 Million
Hanover: $484,663
Niverville: $681,156
For more information on the projects previously announced in Manitoba under the Small Communities Fund, please see the following news releases:
• Infrastructure Projects in Manitoba’s Interlake Region to Receive Joint Government Funding
• Drinking Water Infrastructure Project in East St. Paul to Receive Joint Government Funding
• Infrastructure Projects in Manitoba’s Southwest Region to Receive Joint Government Funding
• Infrastructure Projects in Manitoba’s North Central and South Central Regions to Receive Joint Government Funding
• Infrastructure Projects in Manitoba’s Southeast Region to Receive Joint Government Funding
• Infrastructure Projects in Manitoba’s Parkland Region to Receive Joint Government Funding
• Infrastructure Projects in Manitoba’s Northern Region to Receive Joint Government Funding
For more information on the New Building Canada Fund, please visit:

Les villes de Steinbach et de Niverville ainsi que les municipalités rurales de Tache et de Hanover bénéficient du Fonds des petites collectivités du Nouveau Plan Chantiers Canada
Le 31 juillet 2015 Winnipeg, Manitoba
Les gouvernements du Canada et du Manitoba annoncent aujourd’hui le financement de quatre projets dans des collectivités de l’Est du Manitoba dans le cadre du Fonds des petites collectivités du Nouveau Plan Chantiers Canada.
Le Fonds des petites collectivités fait partie du volet Infrastructures provinciales-territoriales, un programme de 10 milliards de dollars intégré au Nouveau Plan Chantiers Canada. Aux termes de ce programme, on versera 1 milliard de dollars à des municipalités de moins de 100 000 résidants; ces sommes devront servir à des projets d’infrastructure publique prioritaires permettant de répondre à des besoins locaux.
La ville de Steinbach poursuivra les travaux effectués dans le cadre de la phase 1 et installera environ 1 600 mètres de conduite d’eau et environ 1 600 mètres de conduite d’égout pour remplacer l’infrastructure souterraine actuelle, qui se fait vieille.
De son côté, Niverville installera environ 2 100 mètres de conduite principale pour fournir de l’eau potable et assurer une protection contre l’incendie autour de la rue Main ainsi que pour améliorer l’approvisionnement en eau potable dans plusieurs secteurs résidentiels.
La municipalité rurale de Tache construira un nouveau puits d’approvisionnement de 36 litres par seconde, un réservoir d’eau souterrain en béton, un système de pompage pour la distribution de l’eau ainsi qu’une installation qui abritera les composantes électriques, mécaniques et de traitement dans la localité de Landmark.
La municipalité rurale de Hanover utilisera le financement additionnel pour construire un nouveau poste de relèvement et une conduite de refoulement pour le réseau de traitement des eaux usées afin de régler le problème de capacité dans la collectivité de Blumenort.
Les faits en bref
• Le gouvernement du Canada versera une contribution pouvant atteindre 3 699 155 $ aux termes du Fonds des petites collectivités dans le cadre des quatre projets annoncés aujourd’hui.
• La province du Manitoba versera également une contribution de 3 699 155 $ dans le cadre des quatre projets.
• Les coûts admissibles totaux des quatre projets sont de 11 097 465 $.
• Les quatre projets comprennent trois projets d’infrastructure d’approvisionnement en eau et un projet d’infrastructure de traitement des eaux usées. Le document d’information ci joint contient de plus amples renseignements sur les nouveaux projets annoncés.
« Le soutien de notre gouvernement pour les infrastructures publiques des municipalités, grandes et petites, partout au Canada, n’a jamais été aussi fort. Ces projets d’infrastructures essentiels dans les collectivités comme Landmark, Blumenort, Steinbach et Niverville créeront des emplois, favoriseront la croissance et contribueront au développement de collectivités fortes et prospères à travers le Manitoba. Garder nos collectivités en santé et en sécurité, créer des emplois, promouvoir la croissance et bâtir des collectivités fortes et prospères sont les principales priorités de notre gouvernement, et le Nouveau Plan Chantier Canada tient compte de chacune d’elle. »
Ted Falk
Député de Provencher
« Les investissements dans l’infrastructure sont des investissements dans les gens du Manitoba, dans leur santé et leur bien-être à long terme. Ce financement fera en sorte que les Manitobains de toute la province bénéficieront d’investissements destinés à améliorer leur qualité de vie quotidienne et la stabilité de leurs communautés à long terme. Le gouvernement du Manitoba est fier de son rôle dans la création de bons emplois et dans l’établissement de fortes collectivités. Ces investissements seront utiles pour les Manitobains pour les décennies à venir. »
Drew Caldwell
Ministre des Administrations publiques
« Les projets sélectionnés dans le cadre du Fonds des petites collectivités contribueront de façon significative aux besoins en matière d’infrastructure de nos membres. L’AMM est heureuse de faire partie de ce partenariat fructueux qui apporte des investissements dans l’infrastructure nécessaire aux municipalités du Manitoba. »
Chris Goertzen
Président, Association des municipalités du Manitoba