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New Liberal “Sustainable Jobs” plan will kill thousands of Canadian jobs

As Parliament prepares to rise for its summer recess, the Liberal Government has tabled Bill C-50, the Government’s so called “sustainable jobs plan”.

Bill C-50 is a re-branding of the Liberals’ so called “just transition” plan to shut down Canada’s energy sector and move to what they claim will be a more “green”, “sustainable”, and “just” economy.

To date, the Trudeau Government has failed spectacularly at meeting a single environmental target. Their first act in office was to authorize the city of Montreal to dump 8 billion liters of raw sewage into the St. Lawrence River. Their promise to plant 2 billion trees has never materialized and they have yet to meet a single emissions reduction target.

Meanwhile, the Liberal Carbon Tax continues to drive inflation and drive up the cost of living for struggling Canadian families—while doing nothing to help the environment. Despite its obvious failures, the Liberals continue to double down on this failed policy. Now they are bringing in a new second carbon tax that will further hurt Canadian families and businesses.

In short, the Liberals do not have a plan for the environment, or for jobs. All they have is a tax plan.

Now they want to spend billions of taxpayer dollars to shut down the largest private sector driver of our economy. While it may make sense to their woke anti-energy supporters and their costly coalition partners in the NDP, it certainly doesn’t make sense to the majority of Canadians.

The reality is, the Liberals’ so called “sustainable jobs” plan will kill 170,000 Canadian jobs, displace 450,000 workers and risk the livelihood of 2.7 million Canadians. It will also cost the government some $20 billion a year in tax revenue from the energy sector.

Moreover, Liberal red tape and their anti-energy agenda is driving investment in both traditional and alternative energy away from Canada. This job-killing “just transition” legislation will kill the very sector that provides the most investment and most advancements in alternative energy.

In short, the Liberal Government’s “just transition” is anything but just and their “sustainable jobs” plan is anything but sustainable. 

Real environmental stewardship must be addressed with realistic, concrete, and effective measures and metrics, not with virtue signaling, alarmism and higher taxes.

Conservatives believe Canada must develop both our traditional and alternative energy sectors. We support the development of industries like hydrogen, biofuels, wind, solar, nuclear, tidal, and other innovative energy sources. A market driven approach whereby we use private sector innovation and technology rather than punitive taxes to achieve realistic environmental metrics. All of this while ensuring we are not killing jobs and hurting Canadian families in the process.

Conservatives believe in transformation, not transition; technology, not taxes; led by the private sector, not government.

Conservatives are the only party that will stand up for workers and their jobs against the woke, anti-energy, job killing, costly Liberal-NDP coalition.

A new Conservative Government will bring home affordable and accessible traditional and alternative energy, accelerate approvals, and put Canadian resources, innovation, and workers first to ensure Canadian energy security, and self-sufficiency.