The Truth of Christmas
What does the word even mean anymore?
In an age of social media, cable news, and political spin, it’s getting harder and harder to discern.
Where can you find truth in a world of talking points, selective research, and alternative (often contradictory) “facts”?
How do you find truth in world where everyone has and speaks their own “truth”?
When truth is based on subjective experience and opinion rather than demonstrable reality?
What of those realities in our universe which, though felt by all, cannot be empirically proven?
What is truth?
It’s actually not a new question.
Two thousand years ago, a Roman Governor called Pilate asked a prisoner who was brought before him this very question.
“What is truth?”
He did so in response to this statement:
“I was born and came into the world to testify to the truth. All who love the truth recognize that what I say is true.”
That prisoner was, of course, Jesus Christ.
Jesus, the Son of God.
Jesus, God in human flesh.
Jesus, born of the virgin Mary.
Jesus, whose birth we celebrate at Christmas time.
Jesus who said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”
Jesus offers us real truth. It’s Him.
Jesus promised that those who follow Him and remain faithful to His teachings“will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
This reality of Jesus can be experienced anew each Christmas as we celebrate His divine incarnation and nativity.
It is my prayer, this Christmas, that you will know the truth of Christmas and experience the hope, joy, peace, and love that only Jesus can bring.
On behalf of my wife Irene and myself, and our family, merry Christmas Provencher, and may you experience a blessed and truth-filled New Year.